⚠️☠️⚠️ WARNING ⚠️☠⚠️

This is an unstable alpha version! Continue at your own risk. Data may be lost at any time.


Enduronaut (noun): An explorer of endurance, a boundary pusher.
- The first enduronaut

Enduronauts is a community for endurance enthusiasts.

Challenges that are actually challenging. Celebrate challenge wins with gorgeous certificates. For enthusiasts, by enthusiasts.


🥵 Challenging challenges

Our challenges are created by endurance enthusiasts like you, you'll find something that pushes you.

Can't find one? Create a challenge and share it with the community!

🚫 No marketing bullshit

Because our challenges are not sponsored by corporations, we don't trade your information in exchange for product samples or prize lotteries.

We don't advertise to you, we won't track you, and won't sell your data.

🔒 Private challenges

Not ready to share your challenge with the world? No problem. Create a private challenge that's just for you.

🚣‍♂️ Concept2 integration

Automatically import activities from your Concept2 Logbook.

New activities appear instantly on your current challenges.

🏆 Personalized certificates

Certificates that are personalized to your accomplishment.

Print them out and hang them on your wall. Share them with your activities.

🎗️ Recognize charities

Challenges that support charities will include a donation raised amount on the certificate.

Coming soon

🏃‍➡️ Compatible with Strava

Automatically import your new and updated activities.

🏆 Beautiful certificates

Celebrate your accomplishments with gorgeous certificates.

Join Enduronauts

Enduronauts is under active development, so we recommend you wait a bit before joining.

However, if you enjoy being an early adopter, sign up for our alpha version here.